Saying goodbye is easier than you think

We understand why switching banks might seem complicated—but switching to First Financial is simple.
It only takes a few steps, and we’ll guide you through the whole process.
The sooner you switch, the sooner you can see the benefits.
Young African-American man smiling, wearing headphones and working on laptop
Young African-American man smiling, wearing headphones and working on laptop

Open your new account.

Opening up a bank account only takes 5-10 minutes online—and we’re happy to help you figure out which account is just right for you.

  1. Compare accounts to determine which one is right for you.
  2. Create your new account. You can start by applying here.
  3. Use the account number and routing number for your new account to deposit money.

Let us know if you want help! Call us or send us an email with any questions. You can also stop in to your local First Financial Bank financial center to get help from a member of our team.

Frequently asked questions

Switching to First Financial Bank won't cost you anything! You can decide which account is right for you by comparing options online.

Smiling male African-American banker sitting at desk in a First Financial office
Smiling male African-American banker sitting at desk in a First Financial office


Still have questions?
Chat with one of our professionals 

If you need any assistance, or if you just want to make sure you’re on the right track, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’ll get you in touch with a First Financial Bank team member to help with your bank switch. 

1 All deposit accounts are subject to the Terms and Conditions, Special Handling/Electronic Banking Disclosure of Charges, and possibly other disclosures.