First Business Insights logo over image of city skyline
First Business Insights logo over image of city skyline
Illustration of digital padlock and code representing cybersecurity

Fraud awareness: Safeguard your company from fraud

Empower yourself with knowledge and resources.

Totally Promotional logo and image of paper roll printing stickers

Promoting local business for 4 decades: Totally Promotional's growth tale

An early boost from First Financial ensured that both teams could grow together.

Business owner reviewing finances at desk

Purpose - Where the four Cs of credit worthiness converge

A strong purpose intrigues banks and helps businesses secure loans.

Business owner shaking hands with lending officer

When applying for a commercial loan, character counts

A good reputation and clean financial history go a long way to secure a loan. 

Business team reviewing finances on large screen in conference room

Don’t compromise on capital

More available cash and assets means fewer barriers to securing a business loan. 

Male business owner meeting with female lending officer

Building a strong collateral base for business loans

Collateral provides security for lenders and makes securing loans easier for businesses. 

Business team shaking hands with banker

How do banks gauge your business’ capacity?

Banks work to match your business with the appropriate amount of debt.

Hear from our clients

Watch FC Cincinnati co-CEO Jeff Berding and CFO Dennis Carroll discuss the club's relationship with First Financial Bank.

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