Father with two young children sitting on the edge of a pool splashing their feet in the water
Father with two young children sitting on the edge of a pool splashing their feet in the water

meet your savings goals with confidence

Save even smarter

Stacks of coins and rolled bills in a growth financial concept

Certificates of Deposit (CD): making dollars, and sense

CDs are a safe bet for earning a little more compared to a savings account, but when do they make the most sense? We answer your FAQs here.

Father showing son in apron how to make a salad

Interest-generating savings: 3 options for sure growth

One of the benefits of a saving account is the increased interest rate. Here are the best ways to maximize your interest.

Couple working on budget

Don't let life get in your way

The key to building your emergency savings account is learning how to budget so you spend less than you make. It doesn’t take much money to give yourself peace of mind for your financial future. Want to learn to save more? We have some tips.

Digital options for easy living

1 Carrier charges and data rates may apply.

2 Deposits are subject to verification and not available for immediate withdrawal. Daily deposit dollar and count limits may vary and are subject to change at our discretion. We do not charge a fee for Snap Deposit or mobile remote deposit capture. Carrier data or message fees may apply. Online banking enrollment is required for Snap Deposits and Mobile Apps.

All deposit accounts are subject to the Account Terms and Conditions, Special Handling/Electronic Banking Disclosure of Charges, and possibly other disclosures.