money management tools for your busy life

Smartphone showing financial data in First Financial Bank's money management tool

Integrate accounts

Insights, our money management tool, can show your First Financial Bank accounts as well as integrate accounts from other financial institutions, including loans, credit cards, and 401k plans for a 360-degree view of your finances.

Manage your money

Track your spending overall and by category, analyze spending trends, and look at your household’s cashflow to better understand your finances.

Smartphone and laptop displaying First Financial Bank's money management tools
Smartphone displaying savings goals in First Financial Bank's money management tool

Set financial goals

With an inclusive view of your finances, you can set and meet goals like saving for a vacation or putting aside a down payment for a house.

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Why use Insights, First Financial’s money management tool?

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Our easy-to-use tool lets you see a birds-eye view of your financial information, drill down into the details, and take action with just a tap or a click.

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Manage your money in the same mobile app where you make free mobile deposits, set up security alerts, and pay your bills.

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We are dedicated to keeping your personal information secure and won’t sell or compromise your data unlike third party services.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. You can add any car loans, student loans, credit cards, or other financial accounts to the money management tool and get updated information about your balances, spending information, and more.

Want to learn more about the money management tool and other First Financial online banking services?

Check out our resource library with FAQs, videos, and step-by-step instructions.